Applies to:
- Liquibase Support Portal
How are ticket severity (priority) levels defined?
The severity or priority of each support ticket is determined by the type of issue and scope of impact. Each severity/priority level is outlined in detail below.
Severity/Priority Levels
Sev1 - Urgent
Catastrophic Failure, Data Corrupted
All work has halted or a work stoppage is imminent. For example, the application system is unavailable or unusable. Or, data is being corrupted, and work must be stopped to avoid further corruption or data loss.
- Cannot deploy using Liquibase
- Severe security issues (i.e., real of sensitive data)
- Data is being corrupted, and work must be stopped to avoid further corruption or loss of data.
Sev2 - High
Application Inoperable
An application in the system is not working and has limited capability, and the problem significantly impacts users.
- Time-sensitive issues prevent work
- Issue preventing work with significant impact
- Unable to deploy without a significant amount of manual work
Sev3 - Normal
Feature not working as documented
An application has an issue that can impact users but does not stop users from performing daily business, or issues for which there is a reasonable workaround.
- Feature not working but does not prevent work
- A non-urgent issue with a reasonable workaround
Sev4 - Low
Informational Question, Cosmetic Issue, Feature Request
A problem or question with day-to-day operational issues, a cosmetic problem with the user interface, or an error in documentation.
- Product questions
- General questions
- Feature requests
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