Applies to
- Liquibase Enterprise (Datical DB)
- Any version of Liquibase Enterprise
- Using DMC
Issue Summary
When attempting to run any Liquibase Enterprise command that would send data to the DMC database, an error occurs that the password authentication failed.
Error Message
Connection could not be created to jdbc:postgresql://<host>:<port>/<dmc_database> with driver 'org.postgresql.Driver'. Last message was 'Connection could not be created to [jdbc:postgresql://<host>:<port>/<dmc_database>] due to FATAL: password authentication failed for user "<username>"' (java.lang.RuntimeException).
Root Cause
There are two potential root causes:
- The password is incorrect
- The password is not in base64 encoding
Password is incorrect
The easiest way to verify the password is to connect via another tool to the DMC Postgres database to ensure that it is correct.
For example, the PSQL application can be used to connect to the Postgres database.
Password is not in base64 encoding
When using the newDbDef command, it will automatically encode the password in base64, and DMC is expecting to decode a base64 string, so if the password has been manually updated in the datical.project file and isn't in the base64 encoding, it will fail to connect to the DMC database via Liquibase Enterprise
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