FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
- Can the Liquibase Docker image use HTTPS URLs instead of HTTP for accessing Ubuntu archives?
- Can you restrict which objects are used in the diff command in Liquibase?
- Can I show the SQL output in the logs?
- Can older versions of Liquibase be installed?
- Can Liquibase deploy to multiple schemas?
- Can you have multiple database connections in the liquibase.properties file?
- Can Liquibase Connect to Snowflake using an OAuth token
- Can Liquibase generate functions, packages, package body in separate folders when using generate-changelog?
- Does Liquibase support recompilation of code, such as packagebody, when it has been marked as invalid in Oracle
- What are the best practices for building an artifact of changesets for Liquibase?
- Does adding the ignore="true" attribute to an already executed changeset prevent it from being run in upstream environments?
- Can Liquibase rollback based on a shared ID?
- Can a changeset be run again?
- Does Liquibase Backup Any Data?
- Can Policy Checks be used to check SQL?
- Does Liquibase support database extension datatypes?
- Is there a size limit on a changelog file?
- Can Linked Servers be used with Liquibase?
- Why does the validate command not validate SQL syntax?
- How does Liquibase handle file paths?
- How do I hide the Liquibase banner?
- Can the Liquibase Docker image have additional files?
- Can I run as sysdba when connecting to Oracle?
- When does my Liquibase Pro License Expire?
- Why does it show checksums with either v8 or v9?
- Can Liquibase show what changes are going to be deployed?
- Can Liquibase use variables in paths or scripts?
- Can Liquibase fail when there are Oracle compilation errors?
- Can I move a file or restructure my Liquibase project?
- Can I have multiple connections in a liquibase.properties file?